Based on the analysis of the principles of landscape plant configuration, the plants artistic configuration in the Xi an Xingqing imperial palace park was further discussed. 通过对园林绿化中植物配置原则的分析,探讨了西安兴庆宫公园的园林植物配置艺术。
Garden Plant configuration, also known as plant landscaping or landscape planting. 园林植物配置,又称植物造景或景观种植。
Studies on Landscape Efficiency and Ecological Efficiency of Plant Configuration of Urban Squares in Hohhot and Baotou Areas 呼包地区城市广场绿化植物配置的景观生态效益研究
Thermodynamic Study on Low Temperature Multi-Effect Distillation in Dual-Purpose Power Plant Configuration; bottle thermometre 水电联产低温多效蒸发海水淡化系统的热力性能研究瓶式温差电偶温度计
Inherited types of male sterility in hot peppers, origin, distributing, characteristic of sterility gene and expression of sterility plant in configuration, cytology, physiology were reviewed. Applications of pepper male sterility in seed production were analyzed and the problem was discussed. 综述了辣椒雄性不育的遗传类型,不育基因的来源、分布及其特性和不育植株在形态、细胞学和生理指标上的表现,并且分析了辣椒雄性不育在生产中的应用,提出了尚存在的问题。
Taking the annual total cost as the objective function to be minimized, the optimal plant configuration is determined based on the precondition of fulfill of the typical energy demands of electric power, cold and heat in winter, summer and spring-autumn season. 在满足给定的冬、夏和春秋季典型日内的电热冷负荷的基础上,以全年总费用最低为目标函数,确定优化的自备电站的规模与组成形式。
Through the analysis of the ″ three lines? six sites ″ urban afforestation and discussion of green belt design and plant configuration the paper propose that the ″ three lines, six sites ″ afforestation construction is a better idea to construct garden city with modern ization flavor. 对三线、六点城市绿化进行了分析,从绿地设计到植物配置进行了论述,提出三线、六点绿化建设是建设具有现代气息园林化城市的突破口。
Strengthening scientific and technological innovations, such as a garden plant configuration approach. 加强科技创新,搞好园林植物配置等对策。
Promote good cooperation among downstream enterprises and similar enterprises through the rational planning of the plant configuration, strengthen the unofficial exchange among enterprise staff, participate in guild actively etc; 通过加强企业员工间的非正式交流,积极参与行业协会组织以及工厂布局的地理集聚等方式,促进企业间的良好合作关系,使传统企业间的竞争关系转变为具有集群思想的企业间竞合关系。
Via analyzing aesthetic value of three roof gardens in Hangzhou of distinct features, the result indicate that the landscape of roof garden can be well obtained through reasonable plant configuration according to different colors of flowers and leaves, florescence, plant type. 4. 分析杭州市三个不同特色屋顶花园的美学价值,得出结果:屋顶花园景观主要是通过合理配置不同植物的花色、叶色、花期、株型等来达到的。
Garden layout, plant configuration, landscape sketches are used Yi and Jiang theory in the modern garden design. 现代园林设计中,园林的布局、植物配置、景观小品的塑造都有寺庙园林景观意匠思想的运用。
Dynamic viewing is to analyze land tour route and surface landscape features tour route, come to the plant configuration. 动态观赏中分为分析陆地游览路线和水面游览路线下的景观特点,得出了相应的植物配置方式。
We carried out the basic shape of original herbs and ornamental native grass research and evaluation of the landscape, the main purpose is to apply it to landscaping, so plant configuration is very important. 我们进行原生草本植物的基本性状及观赏性的研究以及原生草本植物的景观评价,主要的目的是将其应用到园林绿化中,所以植物配置就显得十分重要。
Also formed viewing visual analysis of the plane and the facade of the different combinations and different plant configuration change. 同时也解析了平面及立面上的不同组合方式以及不同的植物配置方式下对观景者视觉上的形成的变化。
Conclusion: According to the golf course plant landscape design strategy, and puts forward the detailed analysis and golf plant configuration design problem is a very complicated system design, the designer can create sites plant design the individuality expression "design concept". 结语:根据对高尔夫球场植物造景设计策略详细的分析,提出了高尔夫球场地植物配置设计问题是一项十分复杂的体系设计问题,场地设计师可以营造出场地植物设计个性表达设计理念。
The plant configuration must to be comply with the atmosphere of the temple garden. 植物配置要符合寺庙园林的氛围。
Finally based on region characteristics of Shanghai rural tourism, plant landscape configuration models including view type, recreation type, generation type and science education type were proposed. 最后结合上海乡村旅游景区区域特点,提出了上海乡村旅游景区观赏型、游憩型、生产型和科普型群落植物配置的建议。
There is no fixed plant configuration mode and the same level is the best. 植物配置的方法不是一层不变的,也没有固定的植物配置模式是最好的。
In terms of plant species selection, plant configuration, and plant landscape artistic conception creating, religious garden landscape specially showed its uniqueness in religion space organization. 宗教园林的植物景观无论从植物种类的选择、植物的配置方式,还是植物景观意境营造方面和对宗教园林空间的组织上都有其独特的作用。
People generally tend to bushes and trees grass the combined composite plant configuration mode, structured, varied spatial structure.2.It is a objective requirement that garden plant landscape construction needs a construction of a stable plant community. 人们一般都倾向于乔灌草结合的复合型植物配置模式,层次分明,空间结构丰富多变。2、构建稳定的植物群落是对园林植物景观营建客观要求。
Roadside green spaces design is based on the two categories, proposing following countermeasures: ( 1) the design of the entrance and boundary ( 2) landscape plant configuration ( 3) public facilities ( 4) The the processing of spatial structure. 根据上述的两大类街旁绿地,提出了以下解决对策:⑴入口与边界的设计⑵景观植物配置⑶公共设施⑷空间结构处理。
Based on the venue environment as well as the functional requirements to appropriate plant configuration mode, the selection is scientific. 根据场地的环境以及功能的需求来选择适合的植物配置模式才是科学的。
Flower border, as a new plant configuration model in urban green space, has great advantages in species variety, color amenity, space richness, seasonal changes, and management conveniences, compared with the traditional forms of plant landscape such as flower bed, flower clumps. 花境作为城市绿地中较为新颖的植物配置模式,相对于花坛、花丛等传统植物造景形式,它具备植物类型多样、色彩自然和谐、景观层次丰富、季相多变、养护管理便利等优点。
This paper, take Xinyang as an example, discuss the green space plant configuration in small city of south Henan Province, deal mainly with the variety of woody plants and the form of green space plants configuration in small city. 本文以信阳为例,讨论豫南地区的小城市绿地植物配置,主要论述内容是豫南小城市绿地木本植物的种类、绿地植物配置的形式。
Puts forward a plant configuration mode that can benefit the survival of animals, protect and attract animals, and increase the diversity of city park animals. 设计了有益于动植物生存的植物植物配置模式,保护和吸引动物,增加城市公园动物的多样性。
Is located in the mountain memorial space including disk Road(" and "zigzag road) and the peak memorial space plant configuration patterns, peak memorial space from the top of the mountain the memorial plaza and a viewing platform two forms induced plant configuration mode. 位于山地纪念空间主要包括盘山路(之字形路)和山顶纪念空间植物配置的模式,山顶纪念空间又从山顶纪念广场和观景平台两种形式归纳了植物配置模式。
Including plant configuration issues; Plant Landscape Features problem; spatial features and scale issues. 2. 包括植物配置问题;植物景观空间特色问题;空间功能和尺度问题等。
Static watch Lieutenant waters by the scale classification, large-scale waters, mesoscale, waters and waters of small-scale analysis of the viewing characteristics under different scales, come to the plant configuration. 静态观赏中将水域按尺度进行了分类,主要有大尺度水域、中尺度、水域、小尺度水域,分析了不同尺度下的观视特点,得出了相应的植物配置方式。
And we also studied the common plant configuration in dike, Island, bridges, embankment and road. 并且分别研究了滨水区常见的堤、岛、桥等的植物配置方法,及驳岸和道路的设置。
Analyzed and summarized by its experience, for the promotion of good ground cover plant resources, plant configuration guide is designed to, or further explore the wild, the introduction of varieties of ground cover plants resources have more important significance. 通过分析总结其经验,对于推广优秀的地被植物资源、指导地被植物配置设计、或进一步挖掘野生、引进地被植物的品种资源,都具有较为重要的意义。